Football Pool Tipping Etiquette Rating: 5,7/10 7797 votes
Are you interested in running your own Super Bowl Office Pool, but never really quite understood how these things operate? You have come to the right place. This article gives step by step directions to running a flawless Super Bowl Office Pool. Step 1 You will need to print a square grid, you can do this by following the link at the bottom of this article. From there you will go to the Office Pools page and continue on to the Super Bowl 100 Square Grid page. Step 2 Sell each square for a set dollar amount until all squares are full, a player may buy as many squares as they wish. Once the player pays for the squares they are to write their name in the squares of their choice. If you don't feel you can sell 100 squares check out our 25 square grid and 50 square grid. Step 3 Once all the squares are full it is time to set up the drawing. This can be done in many ways, listed below are 2 examples. After determining the drawing method, draw the numbers one at a time placing the numbers from left to right starting with the first gray square box in the top row, continue across the top row until the numbers are gone. After that is complete you will redraw the numbers, this time placing the drawn numbers in the gray square boxes in the left column, starting at the top. Example 1: Write the numbers 0-9 on pieces of paper and place them in a hat. Example 2: Get a deck of cards A through 10, the ace represents a one, the 10 represents a 0, 2-9 are face value Step 4 Now is time for the fun!! Begin watching the game, at the end of each quarter match the last digit of each teams score with the grid. Example: At the end of the first quarter the AFC team has 17 and the NFC team has 14. Go to the AFC top row of numbers and find the number 7(last digit of 17) then go to the NFC left column of numbers and find the number 4(last digit of 14) find where these two numbers intersect on the grid and the name in that square wins the first quarter. Payout's There are a few different ways to split up the prize pool , make sure this is discussed before selling the squares. The most common method is to give the winner of each quarter 25% of the prize pool. If you sell each square for $1 the winner of each quarter will win $25. It is possible that a player can win all four quarters and the whole prize pool. Be sure to discuss what is going to be done in case of an overtime, some people will just ignore the overtime score, some people will substitute the overtime score for the 4th quarter, and others will divide the prize pool by 20%(one winner for each quarter and one winner for overtime). Once again to avoid problems make sure all of this is discussed before selling the squares. Printable Tournament Brackets and Office Pools |
In the United Kingdom, the football pools, often referred to as 'the pools', is a betting pool based on predicting the outcome of top-level association football matches taking place in the coming week. The pools are typically cheap to enter, and may encourage gamblers to enter several bets. The traditional and most popular game was the Treble Chance, now branded the Classic Pools game. Distribution of tip pools should be based on the level of service or amount of customer contact. Tip pools are legal when they are designed by the employees who benefit from pooling. Employees must walk away with at least the full minimum wage. All tip pooling policies should be recommended and not mandatory unless specifically approved by your. The standard tip for any person winning money in a football pool (or any other pool) is 10% of your winnings. So, your tip to the pool administrator should be about $46.00.
Football Pool Tipping Etiquette
Please note I am not asking about an office 'bookie' or runner. I mean the person who runs the block-pool where you get the 2 numbers or the pick'em pool. The woman who runs the pool was mumbling that this is her last year for it as no one is tipping. I hit one of these pools only once and that was at a place where tipping was not expected since it was a super bowl party and no real work was involved. But the office person does go around and collect then run it. The people at my place seem to make it harder on themselves than they need to (ie: accepting credit players as long as they pay before kickoff. Where I come from you play a pick'em or block pool you pay when you book.) but if I won I'd give something.
Pick one team each week that you think will Win (for Winners Pool) or Lose (for Losers Pool). If the team you pick loses, you get eliminated from the pool. You can be let back in (if your Pool Admin allows). Ties count as a win or loss (depending on your Pool Admin setting).
But what? I think one 'block' is more than enough for a half or final score. That way they can play free and get a little cash. It is not supposed to be profit-making for them but I agree at the least they should play free. If they wanted over 5% I would call that crazy, if I want that kind of negative expectation I'll book a regulaar bet.
What does everyone think?
All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others
I've never seen a tip for a non-profit block game, ever. It's run for fun by someone who thinks having one is fun. Tipping that person would be like slipping the party hostess a twenty, IMO.
And yeah, you pay when you pick.

If it's an office pool, the person running it should be happy that the boss doesn't object to them doing something like that on company time.
If it's a pool among friends, then, well, you're supposed to be friends.
Bottom line, no tips or free boxes.
I invented a few casino games. Info: ————————————————————————————————————— Superstitions are silly, childish, irrational rituals, born out of fear of the unknown. But how much does it cost to knock on wood? 😁
I third the motion of no tip. I've never heard of having to tip in these kinds of fun bets among friends. Another reason, the woman running it probably did it on company time, which is reward enough.
It's not whether you win or lose; it's whether or not you had a good bet.
Definitely no tip. The woman running your pool sounds unbearable.
The woman who runs the pool was mumbling that this is her last year for it as no one is tipping.
I agree at the least they should play free. If they wanted over 5% I would call that crazy
You're both outta your fuckin' minds.
You're both outta your fuckin' minds.
Consider this a warning. The next post like that and you'll be on suspension.
How Much Do You Tip For A Football Pool
It's not whether you win or lose; it's whether or not you had a good bet.
Given that the person running the pool is probably spending part of their 'work day' administering, she should consider it a pleasure to do something different than her normal job. If she spends time outside of her workday doing it, maybe she has a case, but give me a break.
The way I see it, if she whines about the no tipping, as her manager, I would give her a menial job, like cleaning out the pucks in the men's urinals.

----- You want the truth! You can't handle the truth!
Consider this a warning. The next post like that and you'll be on suspension.
Football Pool Tipping Etiquette
Office Football Pool Tipping Etiquette
I resign my membership voluntarily. You have no fuckin' idea how to run a message board.
I usually tip 10% with a maximum amount and that seems to be the standard tip amongst my friends. The maximum tip might be $20-$50. Usually the people running the pools are the lower paid employees and it seems that many times thaey are running the pool at th behest of someone above them on the food chain, so I think a small cash reward is should be expected.